Internet Week New York 2010

Okay, let me start off this post by apologizing for the lack in posts. That is completely my fault. I have been busy with end of the year things as well as getting ready for next year at my new school, Westminster boarding school in Connecticut. Now that that’s out of the way, let’s get started. Internet Week New York is an event that is now in its second year that celebrates the progression of the use of the internet in both New York as well as the world. Some of the events that were on hand this year was IAB Innovation Days, PepsiCo’s Promise, as well as a number of workshops to help educate everyone how to expand their base on the internet. I was excited that I was able to go this year because, last year, it was more of a private event spread out across the city. This year, they had a Headquarters based in Downtown Manhattan. It featured demonstrations from many different companies including HP, Microsoft, Break Media, PepsiCo, Yahoo!, and more, but I can’t remember them right now. Enough talking for now, here are some pictures:

The display you see when you walk in, brought to you by Yahoo!

Here’s the PepsiCo and Waste Management Dream Machine. What they hope to accomplish with the Dream Machine is to bring recycling to everyone and make people excited to recycle. You can get more information here.

Speaking of PepsiCo, here’s their North American Director of Marketing. She discussed how they are making a profit through the Pepsi Refresh Project. They believe that, if Pepsi supports local organization, people will buy Pepsi. It’s a neat idea that she probably would tell better.

These are the glasses from the Not Impossible Foundation. What they do is track were the eyes are going and record on a computer screen. They plan on using it with people suffering from any type of neuromuscular syndromes. More information can be found here.

And finally, this is the MakerBot. The MakerBot is the world’s first 3D printer. It can print anything posted to the website, Thingiverse. It’s pretty freaking cool. It uses plastic to create objects layer by layer. It does take some time (~30 min. for a bottle opener), but it isn’t that long for something that cool. More information can be found here.

Well, that was my adventure at Internet Week New York. If you are catching this post on either the 9th or 10th of June, hurry up and get into the city before 6:30 on the tenth, because the HQ closes then. I am glad that I got into the city and I met some really cool people and learned a lot of stuff. If you want more information on IWNY, you can click here. Well, that’s all from me today. I will definitely post again before next week. I hope everyone is having a great beginning to the summer, and take care. IamMisplaced